General Information
- Artwork
- California Proposition 65
- Catalog Price Increases
- Fair Labor / Code of Conduct
- Higher Quantity Pricing
- Items Not Shown On Website
- Metallic Imprints
- Overruns & Underruns
- PMS Color Matching
- Production Time
- Returns / Claims
- Royalties
- Shipping
- Terms
- UPC Bar Coding
Artwork should be supplied as camera-ready with clean, sharp, black & white line art. Faxed artwork does not qualify as camera-ready. Electronic artwork can be emailed to We accept .eps, .ai or .tiff formatted files. All fonts must be converted to curves, paths, or outlines. Please do not send artwork that has been placed in a program such as Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher.
California Proposition 65
Under a law in California, some products containing certain substances listed by the State of California, including lead and cadmium, may require warnings to consumers. This law is referred to as “Proposition 65.” R&D Specialty now offers the following alternatives to decorate many of our glass and ceramic drinkware that do not require Prop 65 warnings:
1. New re-formulated zinc based ceramic enamels
2. Organic based colors
3. Four color process sublimation
Please indicate on your order if you would prefer one of these alternative decorating methods. Contact R&D Specialty for more information. By way of this notification, retailers and end-users hold R&D Specialty harmless from all liability for alleged Proposition 65 violations including all costs associated with defending any legal claims due to Proposition 65 violations.
Catalog Price Increases
Every effort was made to project material cost increases from our suppliers. Where necessary, these increases are included in our current pricing. However, due to the volatility of crude oils prices, and the associated impact on raw material costs, we reserve the right to change catalog prices, at any time, without notice if necessary. If this is required, we will do everything we can to announce the changes ahead of time. We understand and regret the inconvenience this may cause you.
Fair Labor / Code of Conduct
R&D Specialty has an established Workplace Code of Conduct. R&D Specialty is also a member of the Fair Labor Association, enrolled as a Category C Licensee in the FLA Licensee Program and is also participating in the Enhanced Licensee Program. R&D Specialty is also an active participant in the Sumerra Ethical Supplier Engagement Program (ESEP). Contact R&D Specialty for more information.
Higher Quantity Pricing
Pricing for quantities exceeding those on the website is available for most items. Contact R&D Specialty for more information.
Items Not Shown On Website
R&D Specialty has vast resources for finding just about any item imaginable. See your sales representative or contact us. We’ll find it!
Metallic Imprints
Metallic gold, microwave safe gold, or platinum imprints are available on most ceramic and glass products for an additional charge. Please add $1.25 per side and $2.50 for a wrap imprint. Due to the volatility of precious metal prices in recent years, metallic imprint prices may change at any time without notice. Contact R&D Specialty for more information.
Overruns & Underruns
Every effort will be made to ship the exact quantity ordered, however shipments are subject to 10% over or under the quantity ordered and must be considered fulfillment of the order. Please contact R&D Specialty or your sales rep if you need exact quantity shipments.
PMS Color Matching
Every attempt will be made to match PMS imprint colors, however an exact match is not guaranteed and may not be available for some items. Contact R&D Specialty for more information.
Production Time
Normal production time for most catalog items is 2-3 weeks after credit approval, receipt of acceptable artwork, final customer art approval, and licensing approval (if applicable). However, there are some catalog items that require longer lead times. Rush service may also be available on some items. Contact R&D Specialty for further production time details.
Returns / Claims
Return merchandise will not be accepted without prior written authorization from R&D Specialty. Returns will not be accepted after 90 days from receipt of shipment. Breakage claims must be reported within 15 days from receipt of shipment. Please do not accept shipments with obvious damage.
Prices do not include royalty charges. Royalty charges will be billed according to the actual rate. R&D Specialty does not charge a higher "flat rate" or an administrative charge in addition to the applicable royalty. Royalty is billed as a separate line item at invoicing. Contact R&D Specialty if the royalty must be included in the unit price.
All orders will be shipped via UPS, FedEx, or by truck. All freight charges will be billed on invoicing. Please inform your sales representative or contact R&D Specialty if freight collect shipping is required.
Net 30-day terms will be extended to accounts approved by R&D Specialty. New accounts will require a deposit on the initial order. Please submit credit information with new orders to obtain credit approval. For your convenience, we also accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
UPC Bar Coding
Bar coding is provided at no charge upon request. R&D Specialty uses UPC-A standard format but can also match any current bar code format. Please inform your sales representative or R&D Specialty if bar coding is required and which format is preferred.